Day 1

Sarah C


September 23 2018


The first day it was a early Sunday morning and we got on the bus to make are way to Mount Cardigan leaving Hopkinton/Middle High School and spending a little over an hour on the bus to Cardigan.Becasue we started out in Hopkiton and ended up in the town of Alexandra that is considerd movment. We arrived and played a few activities with the leaders before we sat down and ate lunch that we made at home before we headed over. After lunch we headed inside to find our rooms and unpacked. We met our new hiking group and leader. After meeting everyone we got ready for the nature walk. We started the walk and soon after we stopped to take a sketch and more and more sketches although we did play some fun activities threw the way. We got back from the walk and did some cool experiments near the pond and finding new insects. Then we headed back for our hour of free time. Not long after we ate dinner that was very good and filled me up right away. We wrapped up in warm clothes and headed out for a night walk we played some activities and headed inside to take quick showers. After we headed down stairs to listen to Mr. Woolner stories. We were all tired and headed up stairs to go to sleep for the night. I couldn't wait for the next day.

Day 2 and Day 3. and Cardigan